Zbrush sculpt draped cloth

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Most of this disconnect likely is due to 3D modelling being something I am still in the process of becoming adept with and have not tried much character modelling in as well organic modelling is something that seems trickier to master than simply hard-surface modelling. Since I have a long history with 2D art and feel adept at exploring concepts, character designs and aesthetics without much trouble, 3D modelling itself has been something I feel I have had some level of restriction or limitation with since my envisioned goals don’t always align well with my actual technical capability yet. Looking at my own body of work in both 3D and 2D mediums, 3D sculpting feels akin to a ‘missing link’ between my relation with both mediums. I see 3D sculpting as something that will mesh well with my other areas of expertise in art theory, such as character design and anatomy, whilst also opening myself up to a lot of new 3D techniques and practices that I am currently completely unfamiliar with and feel would be greatly beneficial to learn venturing forth into the industry. As I continue to diversify my set of skills within this animation course, such as by exploring more 3D areas which previously I had not even considered being something I would be interested in, 3D sculpting has been a topic that I have not touched upon before but have always thought would suit my interests and be a medium I would like to become proficient in.

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My chosen field to further develop and improve my skills for my specialisation project this trimester is 3D Sculpting, specifically in character modelling.

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